Ninth District Council

Van Newborn

Ninth District Representative

Greetings Brothers of the Ninth District, "A District U9ted".

As we forge on through the upcoming year, I look forward to collaborating with you as we strengthen our example of leadership through scholarship, service and fellowship.

May we all renew our commitment to the District's vitality, work toward common causes and initiatives that unify us, and use our resources to be the change we want to see.

DavidWashington, Jr.
David Washington, Jr.
First Vice-District Representative
Jeffrey Ducre
Second Vice-District Representative
AntonioBrown Sr
Antonio Brown Sr
District Keeper of Records and Seal
Ernest E.Brown
Ernest E. Brown
District Chaplain
Harold Bailey
Immediate Past District Representative
Carl Johnson
District Marshal
Lloyd Clark
LA Graduate Representative
Frederick Sharkey
AR Undergraduate Representative
Javonnti Wilkinson
OK Undergraduate Representative
Texas Undergraduate Council Representative
Malachi Nelson
TX Undergraduate Representative
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